
I supervise Masters and PhD students and PDFs. I recruit graduate students through Department of Community Health and Epidemiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Dalhousie.

Prospective graduate students and PDFs who are interested in psychiatric epidemiology, risk prediction analytics, early identification and prevention of depression and anxiety, mental health services research and workplace mental health are welcome to email me anytime ( When you contact me, please send me your CV and let me know your career goal and why you are interested in working with me. For prospective PDFs, please also send me your best publications. Graduate students and PDFs will be supported according to the standards of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research. All trainees are encouraged to apply for external support.

Graduate students and Post-Doctoral Fellow PDF will have opportunities to be involved in my research projects. PDFs are expected to develop novel, independent research and to establish a track record of publications and research grants. For PhD students and PDFs, I provide a range of potential topics for discussion. I also consider projects that the student and fellow may suggest, as long as they are sufficiently innovative.

While the graduate students are in the training programs, Masters students are expected to publish at least two journal articles so that they can be successful in applying for PhD; PhD students are expected to publish 4 to 6 papers, which enables them to be in a better position for Post-Doctoral Fellow PDF and academic positions.